Nov 02 2017

Family Art Day

Olympic Square

Hong Kong Park, 19 Cotton Tree Drive, Central

Open to young and old alike, Family Art Day is a chance to get involved with creative outdoor activities that will engage the whole family. Parents and children can attend arts and crafts workshops run by art organisations such as Asia Society, K11 Art Foundation and Affordable Art Fair. Art Loop will lead a large-scale collaborative fingerprint painting, and Pure Yoga will run outdoors yoga sessions.


11am: Activities start

  • Affordabe Art Fair: Coffee Filter Butterflies & postcard design
  • Asia Society Hong Kong Center: Qipao ornaments decoration station
  • Art Loop: collaborative fingerprint painting
  • Hong Kong Art Gallery Association: “Cityscape Silhouette” stencilling workshop
  • K11 Art Foundation: Animal masks & fabric animal pots
  • KidsFest: e-Polaroids
  • Sovereign Art Foundation: Emotion wheels
  • Bayard Presse: Self-guided creative activity sheets


Group activities

2:00 – 2:20pm Storytelling workshop with Faust
2:30 – 3:15pm #YogaForAll by Pure Yoga
3:20– 3:35pm Appearance from “Gruffalo” the mascot courtesy of KidsFest
3:45– 4:15pm #YogaForAll by Pure Yoga

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