Aug 24 2018

“Yes, and Now” a group exhibition of selected artists from First Smash 5


“Yes, and Now” a group exhibition of selected artists from First Smash 5

Exhibition Duration: 15 September 2018 – 31 October 2018

Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday I 11am – 5:30pm

Opening Reception: 15 September 2018 (Sat) I 3 – 6pm  (*Artists present)

Venue: Art Experience Gallery

Art Experience Foundation proudly presents “Yes, and Now: a group exhibition of selected artists from First Smash 5”. A platform for potential contemporary artists based in Hong Kong, the fifth edition of “First Smash” will showcase the work of eight artists. Works to be shown range from paintings, photography, installations to video art. The project encourages emerging artists, who are ready to showcase their work and talent to a greater audience, to promptly embrace new opportunities as encapsulated by the motto “Yes, and Now”. To them, each and every exhibition opportunity is a precious experience, which further enhances their creative concepts and techniques.

The eight Hong Kong-based artists selected by the Foundation include graduates from local and overseas art academies and an undergraduate student. While most of the works are brand new creations, the latest reincarnations of some of their final year art projects will also be shown at Art Experience Gallery.

Eight participating artists: Au Man Kit (installation), Lam Wing Sze (video), Lee Pik Ki (painting and paper cutting), Lui On Kiu (photography), Poon Hiu Ying (mix media), Tang Shue Fung (painting), Tsang Sui Yiu (painting) and Winnie Yoe (installation).

Curator: Iven Cheung

「好,就現在! 初試啼聲5入圍藝術家聯展」


展覽時間:星期一至六 |上午11時-下午5:30時

開幕時間:2018年9月15日 (星期六) |下午3-6時 (*藝術家將親臨開幕酒會)


藝術創庫基金呈獻「好,就現在 – 初試啼聲5入圍藝術家聯展」,展出八位當代藝術家之作,形式涵蓋繪畫、攝影、裝置和錄像。「初試啼聲」計劃旨在為年輕藝術家提供發表作品的機會,第五屆展覽以「好,就現在」為題,象徵擁抱機會與立即行動,意味藝術家準備好踏上更廣闊的舞台,面向大眾,展示實力和才華。對他們來說,每次展出機會都是經驗的累積,為下一次的創作帶來技巧和概念的提升。




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