Karin Weber Gallery

Kensa Hung: 'Fables In The Wilderness'

by Kensa Hung

Date: 27 July, 2024 | 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Karin Weber Gallery is excited to collaborate with local veteran May Fung as a curator for a captivating solo exhibition by Hong Kong artist Kensa Hung. This project marks the gallery’s inaugural collaboration with May Fung as well as the debut showcase of the artist’s paintings in our gallery. Fung remarks, “When I first came across this batch of paintings created by Kensa Hung, I saw different animals in strange colours living in bizarre spaces. It was a mental shock to me.” This same sense of bewilderment is set to reverberate within our transformed gallery space-turned-jungle. ‘Fables in the Wilderness’ transports viewers to fantastical, nature-inspired realms, where a lush, primordial jungle teems with vividly hued flora and fauna, while a surreal underwater world depicts sinuou... Read more

Blindspot Gallery

Play and Loop VI

by Chu Chun-Teng, He Zike, Hsu Che-Yu, Leung Chi Wo + Sara Wong, Benjamin Li, Santiago Mostyn, Charmaine Poh and Yu Shuk Pui Bobby

Date: 23 July, 2024 | 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Blindspot Gallery is pleased to present Play and Loop VI, the sixth iteration of our summer video screening program. The program will be divided into two scenes, each scene lasting for three weeks. Scene 1 | 23 July – 10 August 2024 Featured artists: Leung Chi Wo + Sara Wong, Benjamin Li, Charmaine Poh and Yu Shuk Pui Bobby Scene one of the program brings together compelling works by four artists that delve into the intricate themes of identity, self-image, body politics, and the multifaceted meanings of home. Charmaine Poh’s and Yu Shuk Pui Bobby’s works discuss gender expectations related to queerness and femininity, drawn from personal experiences; while Benjamin Li and Leung Chi Wo + Sara Wong adopt a detached and observational approach of phenomena and processes shaped by h... Read more

Leo Gallery

CHILL or COOL - Works by Noah Deledda & Yang Yang

by Noah Deledda, Yang Yang

Date: 23 July, 2024 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
"Chill or Cool" The Origin Leo Gallery invites you to explore the creative worlds of two artists with different nationalities, whose works vary in medium but share the same state of being "chill or cool". "Chill" (pronounced HEA in Cantonese slang) means casualness and laziness today, but in the Jin and Tang dynasties, "chill" meant relaxed. Wang Xizhi, the Sage of Calligraphy, was a prime example of being "chill". The "Records of Famous Paintings of the Tang Dynasty" noted that Wei Yan's paintings had "elevated and leisurely thoughts". While the English word "cool" in the context of Cantonese means "stylish". The two artists are respectively Yang Yang from Hangzhou in China and Noah Deledda from Florida in the US. Through their unique artistic languages and insights, they pre... Read more

JPS Gallery

Kazy Chan: The Twist of a Halo

by Kazy Chan

Date: 18 July, 2024 | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
A halo, a symbol of holiness, traditionally depicted as a circular or arched manifestation of light encircling the head of a revered figure, takes on a fresh representation in Hong Kong artist Kazy Chan’s upcoming solo exhibition, The Twist of a Halo. By challenging the fixed preconceptions that often stifle our creativity and understanding, Kazy distorts and reimagines this ethereal symbol through various mediums in hopes that viewers can reflect on the ever-changing nature of their perceptions and knowledge of the world.  As depicted by a myriad of artists, halos are products of imagination, and their true form remains unknown, allowing for endless interpretations ranging from a simple representation of radiance in the form of a circle to evolving into a symbol of the Trinity in the s... Read more

Double Q Gallery


by Luca Sára Rózsa

Date: 18 July, 2024 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Double Q Gallery is delighted to present Five Deep Breaths, a solo exhibition of new works by Budapest-based artist Luca Sára Rózsa. Rózsa’s recent paintings are often inspired by stories preserved in the collective memory of Judeo-Christian culture, through which she examines questions, common to both Eastern and Western philosophy, concerning the role of the individual within the cycles of the world. While travelling in Asia, she became fascinated by the idea rooted in ancient Eastern thought that human existence and the place and role of human beings in society are links in an eternal cycle. By contrast, individual existence in Western culture is determined by self-centredness, and a person’s life and actions are governed by the quest for self-fulfilment. Rózsa’s latest paintings can... Read more



Date: 27 July, 2024 | 1:28 pm - 1:28 pm
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Yang Jiechang: The Last Tree

Gallery: Alisan Fine Arts (Central)

Artist(s): Yang Jiechang

Opening / Event Date: 21 May, 2024

Closing / End Date: 30 Aug, 2024

Laurent Martin “Lo”: Celestial Equilibrium

Gallery: 10 Chancery Lane Gallery

Opening / Event Date: 23 May, 2024

Closing / End Date: 12 Sep, 2024


Gallery: Sin Sin Fine Art | Sin Sin Atelier

Artist(s): Antoinette Rozan

Opening / Event Date: 6 Jun, 2024

Closing / End Date: 31 Jul, 2024